Over fifty students have participated in SUMRY in the last four years. Our students have spoken at national conferences including the Mathematical Association for America’s “MathFest”, REU mini-conferences in the northeast, and the Young Mathematicians Conference at The Ohio State University. They have authored and co-authored a large number of research papers, published in professional journals, and won awards for their conference presentations. Our students have gone on to diverse and successful careers in industry, teaching, as well as to graduate schools in applied and pure mathematics and many other disciplines.
Alec Arana ’14
Stanislav Atanasov ‘17
Aaron Berger ‘18
Derek Boyer ‘18
David Brandfonbrener ’18
Alois Cerbu ’18
Christopher Chute ‘17
Julien Clancy ’15
Hannah Constantin ’15
Andrew Deveau ’15
Rodrigo Ferreira da Rosa ‘17
Jason Gaitonde ‘18
Michael Garn ’15
Louis Gaudet ’16
Elijah Gunther ’18
Connor Halleck-Dube ’19
Benjamin Houston-Edwards ‘16
Jun Hwan Ryu ’16
Seung Hyun Lee ‘16
Jenna Kainic ’16
Austen James ‘17
Benjamin Krakoff ’17
Matt Larson ‘19
Rachel Lawrence ‘16
Timothy Leake ’15
Brian Lei ’16
Eliot Levmore ‘18
Michael Menz ’17
Julia Menzel ’17
Rose Mintzer-Sweeney ‘19
Dan Mitropolsky ’15
Andre Moura ‘18
Hannah Otis ’16
Charlie Pasternak ‘18
Luke Peilen ’18
Carsten Peterson ‘17
Natasha Potashnik ’11
Andrew Salmon ‘18
Alexander Schlesinger ‘19
Christopher Shriver ‘16
Geoff Smith ’15
Noelle Thew ’15
Chang-Mou Lim ’11
Benjamin Tong ‘17
Justin Wang ‘17
Jocelyn Wang ‘17
Nick Wawrykow ’17
Scott Weady ‘17
Max Weinreich ‘16
Theodore Weisman ’16
Jiyang Xie ’16
Katherine Xiu ’18
Michael Zanger-Tishler ‘18
Olivia Zhang ‘18